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Tickets for Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective

Riccione (Italy) 4,2 (5 opinions)

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Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective
Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective
Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective
Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective
Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective
Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective
Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective
Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective
Villa Mussolini: Robert Capa Retrospective

Useful information:


  • Entrance to the temporary exhibition at Villa Mussolini

Not included:

  • Guided tour

Entrance is free for children until 6 years old. The ticket office closes 30 minutes before closing time.

Disabled people + accompanying person, accredited journalists, licensed tourist guides and children under 6 years of age enter for free.

Show your smartphone ticket at the entrance.

Choose your access shift when booking.

The venue does not accept cancellations

Explore Vivian Maier's photos, self-portraits, and watch vintage cine films.

The Portrait and Its Double presents the works of Vivian Maier, a photographer who created a significant body of work comprising over 120,000 negatives, films, audio recordings, photos, and undeveloped films throughout her life.

The exhibition includes 92 photos, predominantly taken in New York and Chicago, exploring themes of identity and anonymity.

Maier, a nanny by profession, remained unknown until 2007, when her vast collection of over 120,000 images, audio recordings, and films was discovered at a Chicago warehouse.

Supplier: Ticketone

Opinions and Reviews


5 opinions

Opinions in other languages:

Giorgia 4/5

Un espacio enigmático que captura la esencia de Frida. Faltaban un par de descripciones más detalladas en las imágenes.

Luca 5/5

Magnífico recorrido visual por la vida de Frida Kahlo. Altamente recomendado para amantes del arte y la historia.

Bianca 5/5

Fascinante colección de fotos que cuentan historias vibrantes, es como un viaje íntimo a través de la vida de Frida.

Marco 3/5

Interesante exhibición, aunque esperaba más contenido. Buen lugar para entender mejor a Frida Kahlo y su época.

Sofia 4/5

Una experiencia reveladora. Me hubiera gustado que la iluminación resaltara más las fotografías. Pero en general, satisfactorio.

Villa Mussolini: Vivian Maier – The Portrait and its Double



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