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Tickets for Sherlock: The Official Live Game

London (United Kingdom) 4,0 (4 opinions)

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Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game
Sherlock: The Official Live Game

Tickets and prices



General Ticket


Useful information:


  • Sherlock Escape Rooms experience entry
  • Access to the Mind Palace Bar

Not included:

  • Food and drink
  • Note: 4-6 tickets must be selected to take part. Any bookings with less than 4 guests will be cancelled and refunded
  • Minimum age to participate is 10 years
  • Please note: 4-6 tickets must be selected to play
  • Under-18 need an adult to sign a waiver on their behalf before the game and must be supervised by an adult
  • There are lockers available
  • If you are having issues on the day of your booking, please call this number: +44 (0) 20 8130 0021
  • Sherlock Escape Rooms is located at Doyle's Opticians, Ground Floor, W12 Shopping Centre, Shepherd's Bush, London W12 8PP
  • Press the buzzer of the optician's shop to gain access to the reception
  • Show both of your smartphone tickets at the reception
  • Make sure to be on time for your selected timeslot. If you arrive early, you'll have to wait for your timeslot to start, and if you are late, you will not be admitted

Choose your access shift when booking.

The venue does not accept cancellations

The game is afoot...

Don your deerstalker, pick up your pipe, and prepare to snoop for clues in an all-new mystery designed by Sherlock series creators Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. Get ready for exclusive footage with the show's stars inside of this cinematic escape room!

Enter the world of Sherlock Escape Rooms with immersive sets and environments from the show, and work together as a team to solve mysteries and puzzles before time runs out. Can you step into the shoes of the great detective?

Supplier: The Game is Now Limited

Opinions and Reviews


4 opinions

Opinions in other languages:

Olivia 5/5

Increíble experiencia! El ambiente y los enigmas estuvieron perfectamente diseñados. ¡Definitivamente regresaremos!

James 4/5

Fue una experiencia muy entretenida. Nos hizo pensar bastante y trabajar en equipo. Algunos acertijos eran bastante desafiantes.

Emily 3/5

Pasamos un buen rato, pero algunos pistas eran un tanto confusas. No obstante, la atmósfera era genial y el personal amable.

Henry 4/5

Realmente disfruté la experiencia, a pesar de un par de errores tipográfcos en los acertijos. La tensión y la emoción fueron acertadas.

Sherlock Escape Rooms: Experience Entry Ticket



Official Distributor

No management fees