Non-refundable tickets valid for the selected day.BONUS TICKETS:• Functional diversity. Accreditation required.• Retirees (+ 65 years). Accreditation required.• Students (FP, university or similar under 26 years of age). Accreditation of the study center and personal identification (DNI, NIE, passport) are required.• Child entry: Applicable from 4 to 12.99 years (Personal identification will be required: DNI, NIE, passport). Children under 4 years old enter for free.
Children's Ticket (4 to 12 years old) - MiniHollywood Oasys with Buffet (Non-refundable)
Valid for people from 4 to 12 years old, both included. Includes 1 pass to the buffet restaurant. Non-Refundable Admission.
Bonus Admission Adult (+13 years) MiniHollywood Oasys Park with Buffet (Non-refundable)
Ticket valid for people from 13 years old included. Includes 1 pass to the buffet restaurant. BONUS TICKETS: Functional diversity. Accreditation required. Retirees (+ 65 years). Accreditation required. Students (FP, university or similar under 26 years of age). Accreditation of the study center and personal identification (DNI, NIE, passport) is required. Non-Refundable Admission.
Adult Ticket (+13 years old) - MiniHollywood Oasys with Buffet (Non-Refundable)
Ticket valid for people from 13 years old included. Includes 1 pass to the buffet restaurant. Non-Refundable Admission.
Bonus Children's Ticket (4 to 12 years old) MiniHollywood Oasys Park with Buffet (Non-refundable)
Applicable to people with functional diversity. Valid for people from 4 to 12 years old, both inclusive. Includes 1 pass for the buffet restaurant. Accreditation required. Non-refundable ticket.