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Tickets for Museum of the Misericordia of Florence

Florence (Italy) 4,0 (3 opinions)

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Museum of the Misericordia of Florence
Museum of the Misericordia of Florence
Museum of the Misericordia of Florence

Tickets and prices

General Ticket


Useful information:

  • Entrance of the Museum of the Misericordia of Florence

Children under 14 years old free admission.

Show your smartphone voucher at the entrance of the museum.

♿ Adapted for people with reduced mobility

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Step into a world of history and art

Step into a world of history and art at the Museum of the Misericordia Brotherhood, where you can set eyes on some of the most significant objects used for centuries by these compassionate souls.

Among the collection, you'll find the "zana," the "cataletto" – once used to transport the sick to hospitals and quarantine wards – and an array of garments, vintage oxygen tanks, and the first-ever splint.

The Museum boasts an impressive lineup of artistic masterpieces created by the likes of Benedetto da Maiano, Giambologna, Della Robbia, Giovan Battista Naldini, Santi di Tito, Francesco Albani, Carlo Dolci, Elisabeth Chaplin, and Pietro Annigoni.

You'll also see the captivating works of Caravaggio's pupils, Valentin de Boulogne and Dirk Van Baburen.

Supplier: Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze OdV ETS

Opinions and Reviews


3 opinions

Opinions in other languages:

Giulia Bianchi 5/5

Un lugar que respira historia y compasión. Perfecto para entender el legado cultural de Florencia.

Marco Rossi 4/5

Agradable visita, conmovedoras exhibiciones. Recomiendo a quien aprecie el pasado caritativo de la ciudad.

Lorenzo Moretti 3/5

Interesante, pero esperaba más variedad en las exposisiones. Buena para una visita rápida.

Museum of the Misericordia of Florence



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