Tickets for Fort Werk Lusérn: Entry Ticket
Luserna (Italy) 0,0 (0 opinions)
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Tickets and prices
Youth - Reduced: young people
Senior - Reduced: over 65
Family: 2 adults with children up to 14 years old
Family: an adult with children up to 14 years old
Reduced: holders of the "Friends of the Villages" card
Useful information:
- Entry to the Forte Werk Lusérn
- Entry is free for Trentino Guest Card holders. You just need to go to the ticket office and show your card, as there's no need to purchase a ticket
- Show your smartphone ticket to the staff at the meeting point
- You can reach the fort on foot from Luserna or Millegrobbe
The venue does not accept cancellations
Visit the Fort Werk Lusérn and learn about its role in World War I
Built between 1908 and 1912, Forte Lusérn sits at 1,549 meters on Cima Campo. Known as "Padreterno," it, along with Forte Busa Verle, played a crucial role in defending the Vezzena Pass.
Featuring four armored dome howitzers, two 8 cm cannons, and 19 machine gun positions, the fort also had tunnels and trails connecting to the outposts of Oberwiesen and Viaz.
Even after heavy bombardment in the early days of the war, the fort survived and, after restoration, is now a must-visit place to explore and learn about its wartime history.
Supplier: Istituto Cimbro
Meeting point:
Forte Campo Luserna
Cima Campo
Luserna (Italy)
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