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Tickets for Erotic Museum of Barcelona

Barcelona (Spain) 4,0 (4 opinions)

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Erotic Museum of Barcelona
Erotic Museum of Barcelona
Erotic Museum of Barcelona
Erotic Museum of Barcelona
Erotic Museum of Barcelona

Tickets and prices

Entrada General Museo Erótico Barcelona


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More information

Unique in Spain, the Museu de l’Eròtica offers a broad historical-cultural journey on the influence of eroticism on man since the beginning of time. An exciting adventure that takes place in Barcelona, ​​one of the most beautiful and erotic cities in the world and that has always attracted generations of artists, dreamers and adventurers. Its sexual diversity and tolerance make it a city with a unique erotic history.
A close encounter with the history of eroticism. The sexy world of the Hindu Kama Sutra, the erotic art prohibited in Japan, the origins of the Spanish pornographic cinema, the history of erotic art through the eyes of the great masters of painting and the most surprising sexual records.
more than 800 pieces the MEB collection offers a fascinating journey through the history of eroticism.
The visitor will see how human sexuality has been a source of inspiration, representing both explicitly and implicitly in terms of different cultures or codes of conduct that have marked different societies and historical moments. Painting, photography, sculpture and the most surprising inventions throughout 14 rooms. The best ending to such an exciting trip? The erotic garden.
The Museu de l’Eròtica wants to share the rich culture of eroticism that is part of the history of humanity. With the aim of transmitting this knowledge through entertainment and fun, it waits with the doors open to the visitor every day of the year in a privileged place, La Rambla, the busiest and most historic walk in the city and right in front of the most popular market, the Mercat de la Boqueria.

Opinions and Reviews


4 opinions

Opinions in other languages:

Marta 4/5

Fascinante recorrido por la historia y el arte erótico. Una mirada cultural muy interesante.

Javier 5/5

Un museo distinto y atrevido. Una experiencia cultural con un toque picante. ¡Recomendado!

Ángela 4/5

Experiencia educativa con buen humor. Gran variedad de objetos y representaciones artísticas. Vale la pena.

Alberto 3/5

Iba con expectativas más altas, pero aún así fue entretenido. Algunas curiosidades interesantes.

Erotic Museum of Barcelona



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