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Tickets for Between Art and Faith: Lorenzo Lotto in Recanati

Recanati (Italy) 4,2 (5 opinions)

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Between Art and Faith: Lorenzo Lotto in Recanati
Between Art and Faith: Lorenzo Lotto in Recanati
Between Art and Faith: Lorenzo Lotto in Recanati

Useful information:

  • Admission to Civic Museum of Villa Colloredo Mels
  • Guaranteed access by reservation, with a guided tour (in Italian and English)

Children under 17 years get in for free, no ticket needed.

Show your smartphone ticket at the ticket office, right after the entrance.

Choose your access shift when booking.

♿ Adapted for people with reduced mobility

The venue does not accept cancellations

A guided tour of four masterpieces by the Renaissance master

Lorenzo Lotto (Venice, 1480 - Loreto, 1556-57) was the epitome of a suffering artist – introverted, misunderstood and, at the top of his game, one of the leading exponents of the Italian Renaissance.

On this guided tour, you'll discover the four masterpieces Lorenzo Lotto kept in Villa Colloredo Mels: the Polyptych of San Domenico (1506 - 1508), the fascinating Transfiguration (dated around 1511), the San Giacomo Maggiore (1512 - 1513) and the Annunciation (1533 - 1535), which remains Lotto's most important work, painted in Recanati for the Oratorio of Santa Maria dei Mercanti.

Supplier: Omnia For Italy

Opinions and Reviews


5 opinions

Opinions in other languages:

Giovanna 4/5

Intrigante connubio di arte e spiritualità. Lotto non smette di stupire con le sue opere. Esperienza toccante.

Marco 5/5

Ogni dettaglio nell'arte di Lotto è un viaggio emozionante. Recanati ha reso giustizia alla maestria dell'artista.

Francesca 4/5

La mostra è stata una bellissima scoperta. Qualche sala era troppo affollata, ma le opere di Lotto sono incredibili.

Luca 3/5

Belle opere ma l'organizzazione lasciava un po' a desiderare. Tuttavia, la qualità delle pitture di Lotto salva la giornata.

Alessia 5/5

Un'esperienza sublime. Le opere di Lotto mi hanno toccato l'anima. Recanati è stata una scoperta meravigliosa, indimenticabile!

Between Art and Faith: Lorenzo Lotto in Recanati



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